This website is under construction and is merely for use by the domain-owner and any "beta" users who have been individually invited to participate in trialling this website.

This website is "as is" so please do not rely on anything on this site at this stage, as nothing about it can be guaranteed yet.

If "beta" users do decide to upload any files to this website, please make sure that you only upload unimportant files which have no sensitive or confidential information in them, as these files cannot be guaranteed either to be received intact or to be kept private during this early construction and trialling phase.

Thank you very much for your understanding and cooperation.

Reset Password

Please enter your email address in the box below and then click on the "Email Reset Link" button. You should then receive an email requesting you to click on the link in it. This will then take you to a new web-page where you will be able to reset your password. If you continue to have any issues, please email me at AssistedAutobiographies@gmail.com.

Passwords must be at least 6 characters long and contain an upper and lower case letter and a number.

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